Yuichi Setsuhara
Osaka University, Japan
Title: Reactive plasma processes for formation of high-mobility IGZO thin-film transistors
Biography: Yuichi Setsuhara
Reactive plasma process systems have been developed via installation of inductively-coupled plasmas (ICP) sustained with low-inductance antenna (LIA) for low-temperature fabrication of flexible electronics, which require large area and low damage processes with reactivity control capabilities at low substrate temperature. Major advantage of the reactive processing system is that the reactivity during film-deposition processes can be enhanced and controlled via low-damage and high-density plasma production for low-temperature processing of devices. The reactive plasma processes have been applied to sputtering deposition of transparent amorphous oxide semiconductor a-InGaZnOx (a-IGZO), which has attracted great attentions as key material for next-generation flexible electronics. So far post annealing at elevated temperature (as high as 400ºC) was required. Thus the conventional process for fabrication of the IGZO TFTs has been carried out on glass substrates. With the advanced reactivity controlled plasma processes in this study, a-IGZO thin-film transistors (TFTs) with mobility as high as or higher than 40 cm2/Vs was successfully formed at substrate temperature less than 200ºC. In this presentation, the reactive plasma processes are presented for low-temperature formation of IGZO TFTs.