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Iman El-Mahallawi

Iman El-Mahallawi

Head of Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering Department
Cairo University


Dr El-Mahallawi is currently the Director of the Centre for Renewable Energy at the British University in Egypt which is contributing to the teaching and education and research activities in Egypt, energy efficiency in metallic industries, as well as being incorporated in social projects aiming at implementing renewable energy resources for subserviced and ruler areas in Egypt. She has also contributed in a number of field projects in production by rolling and casting, thermo-mechanical treatment, failure analysis, manufacturing of spare parts, as well as continuous industrial education projects for engineers and workers. She is also the coordinator for one of the National Standardization committees.

Research Interest

Dr El-Mahallawi’s research interests are in: energy materials (thermal solar selective absorbers, fuel cells bi-polar electrodes, thermal storage,etc.), engineering metallurgy (heat treatment, effect of production parameters, effect of alloying, etc.. on mechanical properties, failure analysis case studies, non-metallic inclusions and effect of steel cleanliness on properties of steel), modeling for metallurgical fields, conventional casting and continuous casting (technology, solidification), semi-solid casting and metal matrix composites produced by semi-solid casting, using nano-material for re-enforcement (surface and bulk nano-composites).