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Meilin Liu

Meilin Liu

Regents' Professor & Associate Chair
Georgia Institute of Technology


Dr. Liu's primary interests lie in fundamental understanding of the effect of structure, defects, and microstructure on transport and electrical properties of surfaces and interfaces. In particular, he is interested in developing new materials for energy storage and conversion, for chemical sensing, and for hydrogen production and separation In addition, he is interested in mathematical modeling of mass and charge transport in solid electrochemical systems and polarization at interfaces. Dr. Liu's current research activities include (1) in-situ characterization of gas-solid interactions using FTIR/Raman spectromicroscopy, impedance spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry; (2) study of transport phenomena and kinetics in ionic and electronic conductors and the effect of imperfections on electrophysical and electrochemical properties; (3) fabrication and characterization of ceramic membranes, thin films, and coatings; mesoporous and nanostructured electrodes and interfaces; and solid-state ionic devices; and (4) development of new materials for high-selectivity gas sensors, for high-energy-density batteries, for low-temperature solid-state fuel cells, and for high temperature PEM fuel cells. Dr. Liu holds 20 U.S. patents and a number of patent applications, co-edited seven proceedings volumes, and published more than 250 papers in reputed journals, book chapter, and conference proceedings. He has also been the co-organizer of 11 international symposia/workshops on materials for energy storage and conversion devices, sensors, and gas separation. Dr. Liu is a fellow of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) and the Electrochemical Society (ECS). He is the recipient of a Ross Coffin Purdy Award (American Ceramic Society, 2010), an NASA Tech Brief Award (2007), an invited participant, US-Japan Frontiers of Engineering (National Academy of Engineering, 2007); a Crystal Flame Innovation Award in Research (FuelCell South, 2005); an Outstanding Achievement in Research Program Development Award (Georgia Tech, 2003), A Sustained Research Award (Sigma Xi, 2003), a senior Teaching Fellow (Georgia Tech, 2002), a Best Faculty Paper Award (Sigma Xi, 2001), an Outstanding Faculty Research Author Award (Georgia Tech, 1999), an invited participant, Frontiers of Engineering (National Academy of Engineering, 1997), a Best MS Thesis Advisor Award (Sigma Xi, 1996), a National Young Investigator Award (NSF, 1993-98), and a Scholastic Achievement Award (Golden Gate Chapter of ASM, 1986).

Research Interest

Composites, Ceramics, Nanostructures